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Learn how to become a Cavern Diver

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To become a cavern dive instructor, you must complete a scuba diver course. This course includes four scuba diver dives. Your instructor will help you plan your dive and maintain your control over your orientation and air flow. You will be able, upon completion, to dive in caves or other caves that follow safety rules.

Safety rules

The Rule of Threes applies to cave diving safety protocols. The Cave Diver should have three sources for light and at minimum two tanks. To ensure that they have enough gas for the dive, they must also split their gas into three parts. If the dive team has experience in diving in caves, a more conservative gas management plan will be preferred. Cave divers need to be aware of cave hazards and practice safe diving techniques.


Cave diving is a sport that requires specific equipment. You should have two safety reels. One should be used to run guideline, while the other should be used to maintain line tension while the diver is in the cave. Before you go cavern diving, ensure that every diver has a safety rope with enough line to reach cave's entrance. Most manufacturers will wrap the reels with guideline to prevent them from jamming when they make a new reel. To avoid a jam, you should cut off about 10 meters (30 ft) of line before use to reduce the risk of entanglement.

Maximum penetration

TDI offers a cavern diving course for scuba divers who want to dive in areas that do not allow direct vertical access. This includes dives into caverns, and overhangs. While it is not a prerequisite to enroll in a cavern dive, this course will help you gain the necessary skills to make the best use of this environment. You will learn to navigate the often-hidden spaces safely.

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Maximum depth

There are certain limitations to cavern diving. Cavern diving requires that you never dive at night and that you are aware of your limits. Additionally, cavern diving requires more advanced training than most other types of diving. You will need to be familiar with cave safety procedures and your limits if you are interested in diving in caverns. Before you dive in caves, you should have experience with it. You can then embark on a journey into cavern diving.


Learn how to become a Cavern Diver