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Deaths of Scuba Divers

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Diver deaths are very common. Divers sometimes drown, despite all the benefits. To avoid a repeat of this fate, learn the causes and symptoms. Here are the top scuba diver mistakes that lead to death. You can learn from others' mistakes and avoid them. You may even save a life. Here are 5 common mistakes that scuba divers make.

The signs of death in scuba divers

Asphyxia is the leading cause of death for scuba divers. It's not usually caused by one factor. Panic can however trigger an increase in gas consumption. 40% of those who died from asphyxia were either inexperienced divers or had to be separated from their buddies. These deaths were mainly due to drowning, as well as cardiac conditions and pulmonary Barotrauma. While loss of consciousness is the most common sign, other symptoms such as loss or coordination may also be present.

The first symptoms of decompression sickness for divers are usually a lack in oxygen. However, most symptoms disappear once the patient reaches the surface. To reduce swelling, antibiotics can be used to treat barotrauma (including broken eardrums). To ensure that the injured area is fully healed, nitrogen narcosis must be treated before the diver may be re-introduced.

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Triggers for a Scuba Diver's Death

Panicked reactions are the most common cause of diving accidents. These actions are not rational and decrease the chances of survival. Panic occurs when divers are faced with a difficult situation and lose control of their depth. Panicked reactions only make the situation worse and are ineffective. Eyewitness accounts show that panic can play a significant role in the death of a diver.

Most diving deaths are caused by poor buoyancy. 52% of fatalities were due to inadequate buoyancy, and 8% from excessive buoyancy. DAN surveys revealed that the most common causes of death were related to buoyancy. Not only did buoyancy issues play a major role in the deaths, but so did wetsuits. DAN published a formula to calculate the ideal weight that a diver should use when diving.

Causes for the death of a diver

Over 100 people drown each year while scuba diving. Other than equipment failure, other factors that could contribute to death include environmental hazards, heart disease, and inadvertently responding. Equipment failure is often not the cause for death but it can be. Over 80% are due to drowning. This obscures the real cause. Accidents can still happen, even though most divers keep a supply of oxygen on hand. Divers can drown for a variety reasons, including heart disease and unmanageable stresses.

Ischemic heart disease could be the reason for an older diver. Although asthmatics are frequently prohibited from diving, they make up only two to three percent. Asthmatics account for almost nine percent in all diving deaths. Drowsing has been linked to other heart conditions, such as long QT syndrome or drop attacks. No matter what the cause, these conditions can lead to severe consequences.

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Divers make common mistakes

A recent study of scuba diver fatalities indicates that the vast majority of incidents occur because of a diver's failure to properly prepare and plan ahead. These mistakes are known as "precursor events." They can be minor or major. Most fatalities can be prevented with proper training and sound diving practices. Even so, diving still has risks. These include equipment failure, unsafe instructors, and unsuitable water conditions. In addition to the risk of drowning, diving companies also must comply with federal and local laws.

Insufficient gas and entanglement were the leading causes of fatal accidents, while insufficient decompression time were the next leading causes. Divers can also die from lack of experience and training. A recent study found that almost half the fatalities were caused by improper decompression and buoyancy issues. Insufficient gas and entrapment were also common causes. Insufficient gas and inadequate training are the most common causes for fatal accidents. But there were instances when improper weights, procedures or other factors could have contributed to a diver's demise.


Deaths of Scuba Divers